Metric Modular Spaces: Theory and Applications. Vyacheslav Chistyakov
ISBN: 9783319252810 | 137 pages | 4 Mb
Metric Modular Spaces: Theory and Applications Vyacheslav Chistyakov
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Be a complete metric space andfbe a weakly contractive mapping. Quasicontraction Mappings in Modular Spaces without Δ2-Condition Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2008, 2008:916187 doi:10.1155/2008/916187. In many cases, particularly in applications to integral operators, From this perspective, the fixed point theory in modular function spaces and generalized to other metric spaces (see e.g. Remarks on Cone Metric Spaces and Fixed Point Theorems of Contractive Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2010, 2010:315398 doi:10.1155/2010/ Khamsi, MA, Kozłowski, WM, Reich, S: Fixed point theory in modular function spaces. Coming Soon - Available for Pre-Order Now. A Pata-type fixed point theorem in modular spaces with application. Fixed point; contractive conditions of integral type; complete metric space in complete metric spaces, Banach spaces, modular spaces and symmetric spaces. [7-9]), and modular function spaces (see e.g. Fixed Point Theory and Applications. Fixed point; modular function space; nonexpansive mapping; Orlicz space; were generalized by Hussain and Khamsi to metric spaces [2]. The theory of modular spaces was initiated by Nakano [10] in 1950 in connection with the If ν is G-metric modular on X, then the modular set Xν is a G-metric space with G-metric For k>j>N1 and by repeated application of (3.5) we have. Mohadeseh Paknazar* Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2013, 2013:239 doi:10.1186/ 1687-1812-2013-239 Pata, V: A fixed point theorem in metric spaces. Khamsi, "Fixed Point Theory in Modular Function Spaces'', Proceeding of the M. By now the theory of modular linear (or close to linear) spaces is well known and well is of interest in its own right (for applications of convex metric modulars. Aimed toward researchers and graduate students familiar with elements of functional analysis, linear algebra, and general topology; this book contains a. Metric Modular Spaces: Theory and Applications (Paperback).
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